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And the Gates open …

So typically with a new blog site, you get a “welcome and here’s what this site is all about” type post or page. But why should you be told what the site is about? Why remove the potential for you to come to your own determination about what this site is, and in the process perhaps find something more to it than what I may decide to label it as? Yep, not going to do it.

Also not going to spew out the “welcome to my space on the ‘net” type nonsense either. I may throw stuff up on this site, but you are the ones reading it. Without my contribution, it would be empty space. Without your contribution it would be little more than one person screaming into the void. And that just kinda sucks, let me tell you. Especially when the void screams back.

Basically, I guess I am saying this is not “my” space. It’s not “your” space. One could make an argument that it is “our” space, but really I think it’s just space. Space that we fill together. So maybe it is space where we can put our crap. Like a virtual storage space. Or a landfill, depending on the topic at hand.

Finally, I will tell you this.

I will post on a wildly irregular basis. Sometimes it may be once a month (or once a quarter), sometimes it may be several times over the course of a day. Screw a set schedule. Posts will be posted when they will be posted. I will pigeon hole neither you nor myself into a forced pattern which may or may not be feasible at any given point. Additionally, posts may be random rantings, they could be fiction riffs, they could be doodles, they could be breaches into this dimension from some terrifying alterna… OK, probably not that, but they could be any of the others. Poke around, read what you like and leave the rest.

If you want to leave a comment, feel free to do so. I make no guarantee for a reply (though it is possible, maybe even probable … not sure just yet), but I will read all the comments that are left.

So, in summary, you’re here. Look around and make of it what you will.