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Riff 031616

image: Mushroom © Kuanchong Ng | Dreamstime Stock Photos
image: Mushroom © Kuanchong Ng | Dreamstime Stock Photos

The mushroom sprouted and pushed its fruiting body out into the world, towering over the grass that had for so long had pressed their roots down into its mycelium. As the cap opened, a feeling of release and freedom fill the fungus. And then it looked down.

Not being accustomed to the height it had attained, it began to feel dizzy, which was another unique experience for it. It swayed for a moment, then caught its stalk and held itself upright.

“Hey, quit hogging the light!”

The mushroom turned its cap left, then right looking for the source of the voice. read more


Riff 031516

image: Pile of Money © Figarro | Dreamstime Stock Photos
image: Pile of Money © Figarro | Dreamstime Stock Photos

“Man, my back is killing me.”

“Why? What did you do to it? You didn’t load up all that wood into your truck alone did you?”

“No, that’s not what it was. I did that yesterday and it was fine.”

“Well, what did you do?”

“You know how I won that lottery drawing?”

“Yeah. I still say you’re the luckiest bastard I know.”

“Well, it was the money.”

“You tweaked your back with money?”

“Yep.” read more


Riff 031416

image: A Door to Nowhere © Ana Vasileva | Dreamstime Stock Photos
image: A Door to Nowhere © Ana Vasileva | Dreamstime Stock Photos

I stepped through the door and ended up here. I don’t know how it happened, or even what happened. All I know is the world I stepped into is not the same one that was on the other side of the door I exited.

And that door is now broken.

It had been a pleasant day. Martha, Jules, Gabe, and I had been enjoying the weather and when Martha suggested we check out the greenhouse, we had agreed. She had bee quite excited about the orchids she had been cultivating and wanted to share the results of her efforts. read more


No Riff 031116?

Yep, I took a day off of the riffs. Ended up spending the day hanging out with friends, and by the time I got home it was after midnight, so I figured I would let that one slide. It happens and I am sure it will happen again at some point. 🙂


Riff 031016

image: Seagulls #3 © Kmitu | Dreamstime Stock Photos
image: Seagulls #3 © Kmitu | Dreamstime Stock Photos

“You know the old saying ‘Dance as if no one’s watching, sing as if no one’s listening, and live everyday as if it were your last‘, don’t you?”

“Well sure, but I think there are exceptions to that saying. It’s not like it is set in stone. It’s not an immutable law of the universe.”

“No, of course it isn’t, but I can’t see there being any need for exceptions to it. It’s a mindset. A philosophy to enjoying life to its fullest.” read more